The Future of the Maritime Digital Landscape How to get MSW implemented before Jan 1st 2024?

29. September 2022

Workshop Oslo, 3rd October 2022 10:00-16:00

IMO, during FAL 46 in May 2022, decided that the amendments to the IMO Facilitation (FAL) Convention should enter into force from 1st of January 2024. These amendments require signatories to the Convention to implement an electronic maritime single window for all declarations made by a ship in conjunction with international port calls.

Also, FAL 45 approved the revised Guidelines for setting up a maritime single window (FAL.5/Circ.42/Rev.1) to ensure a common understanding of the machine-to-machine communication related to ship calls. However, neither the Convention nor the guidelines specify specific standards for the interface between ships/agents and the MSW. Thus, there is a significant risk that different MSW implementations in different ports will use different standards.

The purpose of this workshop is to present different initiatives in the area of maritime single windows, and the program includes presentations of each of these initiatives. Furthermore, the participants will be invited to discuss the possibility of creating a common recommendation for implementors of MSW.

This workshop was held jointly between the EU project AEGIS and the Norwegian Research Council project ISTS. It is also linked to the ongoing activity in IMO and associated organizations to develop a common reference data model (The IMO Compendium) for the maritime domain. Some more information can be obtained through the links in this paragraph.

Below you will find the program with speakers. Links to presentations and a video recording will be made available after the workshop.

If you are interested in listening in on Teams, please contact Marianne Hagaseth.


10:00 Welcome, presentation of participants
10:10 Why ship owners want a standard approach to MSW implementations. Jeppe Skovbakke Juhl, BIMCO.
10:20 IMO Reference Data Model as baseline for MSW standardization. Mikael Renz, IMO EGDH Chair.
10:30 Harmonization between administrative, operational and nautical data. Ben van Scherpenzeel, ITPCO.
10:40 Discussion
10:50 Port Community Systems and the use of EDIFACT. Nico De Cauwer, IPCSA/PROTECT.
11:15 European MSW environment (EMSWe). Roberto Alongi, DG MOVE.
11:40 Break
12:30 Singapore and Rotterdam: digitalPORT@SG and digitalOCEANS. Gavin Yeo, MPA.
12:55 Port-MIS in Korea. Presenter TBA.
13:20 ISO 28005 /-1/-2/-3: The XML specifications for MSW and other ship-port interfaces. Marianne Hagaseth, ISO TC8.
13:45 Ship Reporting Correspondence Group and IALA guideline on ship reporting. Fred Pot, SRCG.
14:10 Break
14:40 Discussions and summary.
16:00 End